(19) Monday

I woke up super early today (6am) to got to work. I was part of a search committee to interview a new person for the librarian position at school. We interviewed 3 people today and 2 are being invited back for an observation next week. Melissa is going to get about 10 kids from the area to come in as a pretend class.

After work Crimson and I hung out in the guestroom while I worked on the custom stroller liner I am making for the jogging stroller. I’ll take a picture of it tomorrow and send it to your gmail account. I’m trying to find an easy way to get pictures from my iPad to a Picasa album and it’s pretty annoying so email seems to work the best. Hopefully it’s easy for your to download all of the attachments at the next port call.

I felt a couple of sharp kicks today. Second came after I shouted “hey!” at my belly for the 1st kick. It does feel a lot different than an upset stomach, like being poked from the inside by a piece of asparagus. I can’t wait for Thursday (I have an ultrasound appointment) to be able to see him/her moving around 🙂


(17) Weekend

Sorry I didn’t email you yesterday — we had a long day and I fell asleep before I remembered to email you.

We went to When Pigs Fly for breakfast, took Crimson for a long walk at Ft Trumbull, ate lunch at Captain Scott’s lobster dock, hung out at the casino and finished up the day with dinner at Buckley house.

This morning I dropped Molly and Ben at the train station, stopped at IKEA on the way home, and have been doing some cleaning since I got home. Mom is getting here on the 5th (Thursday) in the morning.

Tomorrow I am going to work because we are interviewing candidates for the librarian position that’s opening next year.

love you!!


p.s. No movement this weekend except for one thing that I think was a kick on Saturday night.

(6) Back to work

At work today for a few hours. I am going to work on laying out the
plan for the small lab I designed for an old classroom!!

This morning both of the pets were all over me. Clover finally moved
from sleeping on my stomach to above Crimson’s head. And Crimson
insisted on having both front paws on my shoulder for the two hours
before we woke up.

The baby rooms looks awesome — the paint is completely dry!! I think
I’m going to start the decorating part tonight!

I brought my thai soup for lunch today and I’m already excited about it 🙂



I know, I’m a slacker for not posting anything recently. So much has happened lately and I just haven’t had a chance to post anything here since most of the emails I am currently sending Jake are private and I don’t want to post them here.

The kitchen is almost complete and once I finished sewing the curtains I will post new pictures. Right now the painting is done but I think all of the accessories will create the complete look.

Off to work….

(6) Week Summary

May 15:

I remember you said it would be helpful if I summarized my week in an email so that you can see everything at once (instead of reading a bunch of little emails). So here is the last week:

Monday – work @ NCS and then work at the gym

Tuesday – woke up super early to drive to New Haven for a seminar (FinalSite — it’s the company who designs our website)

Wednesday – cleaning in the morning, worked out at the gym, turned in the FRG paperwork with Bessie, book club meeting at Dev’s

Thursday – work @ NCS — I had my evaluation that day with Melissa (the principal). At one point during the eval she literally said she loved me. My response was that I loved the job too and it was easy to work hard when you had a principal like her and teachers like this at the school. Why wouldn’t I be happy coming to work every day?

Friday – work @ NCS and then work at the gym

Saturday – summer grad classes started, I have one from 8-10 and another from 10:30 – 12:30 — lunch with Jen at 2 Wives — class with Crimson — drank an entire bottle of wine while sitting in the bathtub on my Nook (and what’s sad is that I wasn’t even tipsy, just buzzed) I could drink you under the table

Sunday – church with a funeral (one of the older members passed, I don’t think either of us had ever met him but I stayed for the funeral and helped out with lunch) — took Jen to base to pick up Michael’s truck — started working on my plate project that I’m doing in the kitchen and moved all the pictures in the kitchen to the wall at the bottle of the steps (next to the striped curtain)

Bea said that Crimson is doing really well and that he could do Agility 2 next (some dogs have to repeat the first class). The next one started next Saturday but I think I’m going to wait for the class after that (so it would be starting in 2 months) so that there’s a chance you could go to one or two classes with us. I really think you’d enjoy it and he LOVED when Molly came so I’m sure he would be all about showing off for you!

Yesterday’s class he randomly decided that he liked tunnels and did the straight tunnel, curved tunnel, and the tunnel w/shoot two times each!! We learned the balance beam yesterday and he was awesome, didn’t fall once. It’s a ramp about one foot wide that goes up 4 ft in the air, straight for about 6-8 ft and then down an identical ramp on the other side. A lot of the big dogs either fell or froze on it and Crimson just froze up once but then actually enjoyed it the second time.

Alright, I’m going to go join him in bed now with a book!




TGIF (26)

It’s Friday! I’m going to be in Baltimore in 5 days!!! So excited….


Here’s what I do when I get to work every day:

1. Boil hot water (using that electric kettle) and make a cup of tea.

2. Check both of my email accounts and take care of anything there.

3. Go through my classes for the day and make sure I’ve got everything ready and printed.

4. Check Mint to get an updated view of all our transactions.

5. Email you if I’ve got something interesting to tell you … (on a side note I literally just got a phone call and apparently I’ve been nominated to be Vice President of Operations for SOSA…and I said sure I was interested. This kind of pushes me to really need to quit my job at the gym.)


Oops! Time to get ready for Mr. Discordia’s class.





The A Team … I mean Frame (22)

So I might be a little obsessed with this A-frame idea….but it was something that really intimidated Crimson and I want to work with him so that he can enjoy it!

Here’s the pricing:

  • 2 4’x8′ sheets of plywood (2 @ $20)
  • 7 2″x4’x8′ boards (7 @ ~$10)
  • 12 – 1″ by 36″ square wooden dowels (12 @ $3)
  • 1 – 30″ continuous hinge ($9)
  • Pencil
  • Screws
  • Nails
  • Wood Glue
  • Table Saw (I don’t know if you have one but average is $400)
  • Nail Gun ($40)
  • Paint
  • Sand or other traction material
  • 4 eye screws
  • 2 – 4 foot length of chain
  • 4 eye hooks
  • The other items are minor. But it looks like for about $300 worth of supplies we can make an A-Frame!! (And you get to buy more tools, I might even let you get the nicer ones since we can afford it with my job.)

    Don’t worry, I’ll paint it if you don’t want to — it should be yellow and red (like the one at day care).

    I will try to send you an email later today but I’m super busy:

    1. get ready for Professional Development lesson on Thursday afternoon
    2. FRG meeting tomorrow
    3. Computer Consultant meeting this afternoon
    4. ultrasound tomorrow morning
    5. getting ready for Lia Sophia party this weekend
    6. work on Flash final project
    7. pack for Scotland
    8. group project for GUI
    9. and other things I’m probably forgetting….

    Love you very much!!

    If you are able to email me before I leave, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know if there’s anything specific you would like me to pack as far as clothing for me. Right now I’m just bringing jeans, sweaters, and tops. Do I need to bring a dress? Heels? I asked you in a previous email but I don’t remember you really replying.


    Favor for when you are Home (19)

    I am waiting to do this until I’m back from the port call and you are home (because I don’t want to do this by myself)…but I really really really want to get a class pet!

    After talking to a couple other teachers and some students, we’ve decided we should get 3 female mice for the computer lab (and name them Window, Apple, and Linux). Hehehehe!

    Anyway, mice seem be the least amount of money/work (and it’s a great pun) and female mice should be purchased in trios because they do better as a group. I have been research cages and it looks like I can get all the supplies and mice for under $100 and then not too much to keep them going.

    As for taking care of them over the summer, a lot of teachers allow kids to take turns caring for the classroom pet (one kid per week), so I might do something like that — or keep them in either the basement or on the porch.

    What do you think? Here is what I think it running through your head right now:

    “Super cute!”
    “What wife is such a dork.”
    “More animals?”
    “The cat is totally going to eat them….”
    “They better not sleep in bed with us.”

    No, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke — but I am trying to be a little funny.


    Yuck (17)


    So pretty much all day yesterday I felt like crap: achy joints, chills, sore throat, and cough. Still–I went to the gym and ran a mile, followed by 15 minutes on the eliptical.

    Last night the school nurse sent out an email that we have a case of fifth’s disease (which I didn’t have as a child) and my symptoms fit the symptoms of adults. So either I have fifth’s disease, the flu, or a simple cold. Sleeping for over 8 hours last night was amazing but didn’t help too much.

    After work today I’m going to go to the gym (the doctor said I can start working out again) and then I’m going to book club! Yay for some adult conversation.


    Miss you!

