
Yesterday Jake came home to this…yes, that is our driveway and our corolla is on the right under all that snow! Between our neighbor’s snow blower and Jake’s shoveling the driveway is clear and we have a spot in front of the house.


Today we hung out inside. Noah is becoming more fun to spend time with since it isn’t just change/feed/sleep anymore.


Crimson doesn’t enjoy the snow and has spent all of his time upstairs. Here is a brief appearance he made after going out for a potty break.


Lazy Day at Home

After the SOSA meeting this morning Noah and I went to the Commissary to grab some chicken for dinner tonight. It was packed with people prepping for the storm that’s supposed to hit tomorrow. I also grabbed a ton of cereal that was on sale and ran through the express self-checkout.

Once we got home I ate some lunch, Noah ate some lunch, and then he passed out. Since he was awake most of yesterday I decided to relax today. So I’ll be on the couch looking at Pinterest and catching up on Netflix for the next few hours!

Church, ReStore, and Lunch!

About to head out to church and then meeting up with Liz for some ReStore shopping and lunch in Waterford.

I’m wearing a … Can’t tell if she is pregnant or chubby outfit today!

Btw, it is super cold this morning!! Crimson was curled up next to me so I put a blanket over him when I woke up in the middle of the night. Love you!


(3) The rest of the day

So it’s only 9:15 and two super scary things have already happened today. First when I took out Crimson at 5am this morning (since I had to go to New Haven) I slipped and fell down the last step and onto the concrete. It had snowed last night and everything looked slushy so I didn’t even think that there could be ice. I used my left hand to stop my fall and my thumb has been bothering me since — I don’t think anything is really wrong, just sore. I’m sure I’ll have some nice purple spots on my bottom too 🙂

Then on the drive back from New Haven I was in the left hand lane on 95 passing a truck, the giant container truck next to me put his blinker on and started moving over. I was only half-way past the truck at this point so I had to either speed up a lot or slow down. I slammed on the brakes, started beeping to let him know I was there and he almost pushed me into the jersey wall (he was half in the left lane by the time he realized there was a car there). Once he heard me beeping he swerved back into his lane. Ahhh!

So now I’m at school and I’m really nervous — this day can’t get any worse, right?

Time to get back to work. Love you 🙂