Crimson proof cat food

Here are my first two children…they get along pretty well but the bigger one will steal the other’s food any chance he gets! While it wouldn’t hurt Clover to lose a little bit of weight, I want to make sure her food isn’t being eaten by her big brother.


What’s my solution? Grab the box from Jake’s beer kit!

Step 1: Get the box and cut off one end so it’s open.


Step 2: Cut a hole in one side that’s big enough to go around her food plate (this side will be on the ground).


Step 3: Cover with contact paper, wrapping paper, etc. I used contact paper that was left over from my basement counter project.


Step 4: Enjoy a Crimson proof hideout for Clover’s food!!



Eventually I would like Jake to build a wooden version of this that we could then set Crimson’s bowls on top of … making an even more compact pet-eating station!

Curtain curtains and more curtains!

Guest room finished today!! I decided to just fold them and sew in place instead of hemming so that we can always lengthen them in our next place.


Our bedroom is 3/4 done…one more panel that I will attack tomorrow. Then I’m off to make a new closet curtain for the guest room and our closet and finally finish the second kitchen curtain. I put the pillow cases from the bedroom panels on the bench since Clover has been leaving paw prints everywhere and I’m tired of wiping it every other day….not sure if I like it or if it’s too matchy. We will see in a few days….

Crimson is panting in the first picture because we just got back from our Ft Trumbull walk!

