(5) Weekend

May 14:

Congrats on your fish! Did you email your mom about this? I’m sure she’d be happy to hear from you. Also — I hope someone took of a picture of the pinning, I’d love to put that up in our house somewhere.

I just realized that you can’t send us email so there’s not much point to me asking questions. If you answer any of my questions in your journal can you make sure to copy & paste the question I asked you so that I have some context for your answer?

Today is the first day of my summer classes…yay. So far I only know one grade from the 3 classes from spring semester. I got an A- in GUI because he gave me a B for attendance (I missed a class while I was in Scotland) — grrr. This ruined in 4.0 GPA!

Class is almost over, then I need to get ready to go to lunch with Jen (we haven’t seen each other since before Michael was in the hospital!).

I am going to be super busy with work and class between now and the end of June so it’s actually good that you guys gone.

I’m going to Baltimore June 14-19 for Ratana’s graduation and some end of the year drinking with my friends.

Hopefully if you guys do a port call I’ll be able to go!



Visiting Towson (8)


This week has been crazy!

Monday: Dr. Cole asked me to be his graduate assistant (it would cover my tuition from now on) — the paper has been filed and I should be contacted soon about tax information since it’s a stipend.

Tuesday: Work at Niantic followed by work at the gym.

Wednesday: Work at Niantic, FRG meeting, GUI class

Thursday: Work at Niantic, picked up dad at the train station, Crimson went to daycare, dad and I made dinner at home, watched a movie, and loaded up the car

Friday: Left the house at 5am and made it to Towson at 12:15 (including a couple bathroom breaks for Crimson and breakfast at Cracker Barrel). I went to GRMS and saw a bunch of my old teacher friends and students, it’s so much different from Niantic! Then I went to dinner with dad and Joel followed by the mall with mom & dad. I bought the newer version of the i-need at Brookstone (this one has heat!), it was on sale!!

Tomorrow: Going to VV’s, lunch with Aunt Agnes, going out with Zach and friends in the city.


p.s. You can’t see this in the email but I’m including a picture of Crimson in the blog post. He is lying on the floor in my parents’ living room. He has settled in….the cats aren’t too happy (we had to put them in the basement when Lena started freaking out.)


At home in towson!

Posted from WordPress for Android

Monday Monday Monday (5)


It was such a nice surprise to get your email from Sunday! I was standing in Stop & Shop with lactaid in one hand and ice cream in the other…..because I can’t live without either one, when my phone dinged.

The auction on Saturday went really well — I help Ashley with verbal (like walking across the stage with a sign). There were so many guys there who I recognized from the gym; hopefully they had enough to drink that they didn’t recognize me too! I bid on a couple of items but only won one – which is probably for the best. I won a one hour photo session with a dog photographer! It’s a $200 package that I got for $80. It turns out he is the h husband of one of my friends! We are going to get together once the weather is warmer and the grass is prettier for the pictures – you might even be home by then.

So NAV’s journal idea….I have been asking you to do that EVERY time you were underway. He may have had that idea too but I am the one who told you first! My version is going to be the blog since I can attach pictures, websites, videos, etc. BTW, I am posting your emails on the blog but editing them for privacy as well as sensitive information.

Tonight I have to give a presentation on Attention so I’m going to go and prepare a little for that.

Umm, other exciting things: got my passport, booked rooms for us & mom. We are going to leave the evening of the 19th so that we can spend a couple of days in Edinburgh. Dr. Cold asked me to be his graduate assistant – if that works out it will cover most of my tuition from now on (yay!). Alright, I think that’s it for now.

You should be getting your first password in a couple of days!


Love you so much!



Weekend…what weekend? (4)

Dear Jake,

It’s been almost a week since you left. No word on Oprah.com on the upcoming show…they only show one week at a time. I’m in class right now and the teacher is going over coding that I already understand, such a good thing I was a CS major.

Today is the Silent Services Charities Auction down at Ocean Beach. I helped Ashley set up the verbal auction items this morning and then I’ll be going back this afternoon to continue helping out in any way that I can. On Monday I have to present the next chapter for my New Technologies class (it’s on Attention) and I haven’t finished my presentation yet! I will have to finish it tomorrow after church because my professor wants me to do a run through with him on Sunday night.

While this might sound mean…I don’t miss you too much. I haven’t had time! The little time I have at home has been spent cleaning and reorganizing. Yesterday I ordered a rolling wardrobe to go in the basement for all of your uniforms, my wedding dress, and our seasonal hanging items. I finished organizing the future baby room and posted a picture on the blog whenever you get to see it. No news yet no whether or now I can start buying more furniture for that room! I don’t think it worked….maybe year #2 will work.

Alright, sounds like we are starting the actually class (only an hour later…).



Hump Day (3)


Made it to the middle of the week! We started standardized testing today so it’s super quiet at school. I got a lot of organizing done today and I’m working on a Computer Class binder. It’s going to include all of the references I’ve made for the programs we use in class, as well as all of my lesson plans (I’m documenting them as I go). My goal is to have all of the lessons for the 2nd half of the year ready by summer. Then I only have to create lessons for the 1st half next year….and I’m good from then on.

Right now I’m in my GUI class!

Love you,

Back to Work (1)


Back to work today…and already super busy. Today one of the servers decided to stop working – and it’s the server that is used for all of our printers (so everyone was emailing, calling, and dropping by my room). Fortunately this isn’t something I can fix and I had already contacted our helpdesk — so I was ahead of the problem!

I have three of the four curtains up as well as my cute desk lamp and organizer from World Market. I’ll be sure to take pictures and post them later. Slowly my classroom is starting to look more like a home to me!

Right now I’m in class and we are creating a calculator in VisualBasic, you would probably enjoy doing this.

I’ve already moved some furniture around the house and done a lot of organizing!!
