I Need a Project: FINISHED!

The bookcase has been decorated with Noah’s toys. Now that I see it … I don’t think I’m going to do any polka dots since his toys add plenty of color. This will also work really well as he outgrows toys/books since it will be easy to update. Some day that toy shelf will display the neat things he builds with Legos 🙂


Here’s a close up of the toys on the shelves. All of his toys are second hand except for a couple that we received as gifts.


Speaking of gifts…his birthday is just over two weeks away (when did that happen?!). I have been scouting thrift stores/sale section at Target for the past few months and have amassed a large number of gifts. They are hiding out in our downstairs bathroom right now and they may be wrapped in Christmas themed paper but I don’t think Noah will mind. A couple of the gifts are actually things I received at a shower but he’s now old enough to use them. Yes, that is a wooden rocking airplane under there, and yes it is my favorite gift for him!



Bundle Me

(Almost) every morning Noah and I go for a run or a walk (about 30-45 minutes) and it has become part of our routine. When we go for our walks Noah has an easier time going down for his morning nap and I feel a lot better for the rest of the day. As the weather is getting colder I needed to come up with a better solution than blankets since he often kicks them off onto the road.

I did a lot of research on stroller muffs. First I thought about the one directly from Baby Jogger but I felt like a good portion of Noah’s torso would still be exposed. Second I found 7am Enfant bunting … and love them but the price is ridiculous. Finally I settled on the warmest Bundle Me from JJCole, the Arctic toddler version. I was all set to buy it too when I decided to search for a stroller muff one last time on Craig’s List … and what did I find?!!? $40!!! But it’s in Providence 😦

The stars aligned and we happened to be driving to Baltimore the next day so I asked if we could pick it up on our way down the coast! And a few days later we got to test it out on a chilly morning.

Bundle Me

I have since learned easier/better ways to attach this to the stroller since initially the head piece kept falling down. It’s designed for 1-3 years so Noah is just barely big enough but it should last us the entire time we are in MA. It is extremely warm so for 40s I just put him in a onesie and leave his legs bare. He has already fallen asleep once while bundled in it so I’d call it a win!