Reupholster a Recliner: Days 4 & 5

And now is when the daily progress of this project is going to slow down … way down. The chair is completely taken apart and the legs have been sanded:

Staining the legs


I was planning on using some PolyShades in Bombay Mahogany gloss that I used on another project but Jake felt the color was too red for the fabric that I chose for the chair. We went to Lowe’s and pickup up a different color – Tudor in a satin finish. Last night I applied the first coat and was slightly disappointed … it barely changed the wood. By the next day it had gotten a bit darker and looked like this:

Staining the legs


Today during Noah’s nap I applied a second coat to the arms and legs. This picture is from a few minutes after I finished the second coat so the piece is still wet. I’m hoping the color will darken a little more. At this point I’m planning on at least 1 or 2 more coats to get the color I want — Polyshades recommends using very thin coats so that you have better control and can slowly build up the color.

Staining the legs


Once I finish the arms and legs, everything is going to sit in the garage for at least 2 weeks to completely cure before I start putting things back together. That gives me two weeks to cut and sew the fabric portions of the chair!

One thought on “Reupholster a Recliner: Days 4 & 5

  1. Pingback: Reupholster a Recliner: Day 7 and Why You Should Buy a Serger | Letters to Jake

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