Reupholster a Recliner: Day 2

Here’s my first day of staple removal.

It shouldn’t be surprising that the number one gripe on upholstery tutorials is the staples. STAPLES! I am so over staples … and even after two days I’m still not done. Last night I broke down and ordered a staple removal tool. Not only does my hand hurt from using a flat head screw driver but a number of the staples were done really well (so well I have cursed at them when they stay in the chair).

Here’s the tool I purchased off of Amazon: Crain 126 Staple Remover. We have Prime so it will be here tomorrow!

So … while I sit and pick apart the cushion covers, here’s a nice array of pictures from staple removal (day 2) of this project. It is impossible to take too many pictures on a project like this, each picture captures a different angle or detail that will be helpful when putting everything back together.

A couple notes on reupholstering this specific recliner so far:

  1. The legs are easy to remove (and must be removed in order to take off the upholstery).
  2. There is a lot more sewing involved in this recliner than other’s I have seen (sewing seat and back cushions, and then each arm is made up of 3 pieces).

Pictures from Day 2 (more staple removal):

Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair

Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair

Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair

Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair Taking apart the chair

2 thoughts on “Reupholster a Recliner: Day 2

  1. Pingback: Reupholster a Recliner: Day 3 | Letters to Jake

  2. Pingback: Reupholster a Recliner: Day 7 and Why You Should Buy a Serger | Letters to Jake

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