Reupholster a Recliner: Day 1

Last night I worked on the chair for about an hour and then did another hour this afternoon while Noah was taking his nap. Being pregnant, I can really only squat/bend for short periods of time before I get really achy so I think this is going to be a LONG project!

Somehow I still haven’t removed a piece of fabric from this chair yet … but I have removed about 200 staples! The arms appear to be sew together and then stapled on over foam. The current foam on the chair arm isn’t in terrible condition but I think I’m going to replace everything just to really give it that new feeling! One nice thing about this recliner, the arms come off completely so it makes my idea of staining the arms a darker color more realistic (don’t have to worry about getting stain on the fabric).

Here’s my first batch of pictures from this adventure!

Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1

Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1

Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1 Taking apart the chair day 1


And I’ve got my first upholstery injury. Needle-nose pliers and flat-head screw drivers can be really painful if you slip while using them to remove a staple!

Taking apart the chair day 1


Hopefully I can get another hour of work done tonight and remove the fabric from one side of the base.