What’s this Wednesday?

Plant moss. You know the moss you can buy to put around a potted plant to help keep the moisture in? They sell it at the Dollar Store so I picked up a bag the other week along with a bunch of other items for our Wednesday activity.

Noah has been a little sick all week and with a runny/stuffy/crusty nose, he has been a little miserable. He had been crying for about 15 minutes about everything; he wanted me to hold him, he wanted me to put him down, he wanted puffs, he wanted water, he didn’t want to sit in his high chair, he wanted to just lay on the floor and sob….

So I took out the entire bag of moss and put it on the kitchen floor – the tears stopped immediately! This moss is already worth $1.

Noah crawled over a grabbed a piece of the moss — icky faces made an appearance.

Planter moss

As usual he continued to touch the moss but also continued to make disgusted faces. I decided to rip off a piece of the moss for him to play with and save the rest of the pack for another day.

Planter moss

I got out one of his bowls (he doesn’t actually eat out of these yet, we just play with them for now). I put some of the moss in the bowl and he was hooked.

Planter moss

He would dump the bowl out on the floor, I fill it back up, and repeat.

Planter moss

He also found it very interesting to pull apart the moss piece by piece.

Planter moss

I was able to get him to pick up the biggest chunk of moss!
Planter moss

Which he immediately started pulling apart … in total we spent almost 30 minutes on this activity!! I’m pretty sure that’s a record for baby attention spans.

Planter moss