Making a Slipcover: Part 2

Since my dad is visiting this weekend I have had a lot more opportunities to work on my sewing than normal. I finished cutting the pieces on Saturday and yesterday I spent some time piecing together the cover for the cushion. This is one of the more difficult parts of the slipcover since it involves a zipper…not a fan of the zipper! But I think the finished result looks pretty good and I’m happy to know that I did cut the fabric in the correct direction.

Cushion complete!

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My next step is the main cover for the entire chair. I started with the back since that involves a zipper and I just wanted to get that out of the way. This zipper was a little more challenging than the zipper on the cushion since it needs to be hidden from view with some extra fabric. I had to top-stitch the overlapping fabric in place.

Top stitching on the back and top of hidden zipper

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At the same time I decided to add top-stitching throughout the slipcover to give it a more finished look and to reinforce my sewing to make it a more durable slipcover (I plan on this becoming Noah’s chair at some point). Here is a view of the wrong side of the back — I sergered everything as well to give it a more polished look (and give the slipcover a better chance of lasting through many trips in the washing machine).