Beer Table

The best part about moving closer to a major city…the improvement in quality of the items on Craigslist! I installed a Craigslist app on my phone and look at it so much that Jake (who would rather build all of our furniture) jokes I’m cheating on him with some guy named Craig. While the New Hampshire used to be the “other woman” in our relationship, she has since been replaced with woodworking articles and videos. At least this new woman will help my husband build furniture that I can enjoy. Anyway, back to Craig.

Yesterday I was just browsing the furniture selection and came across the perfect coffee table. I loved it; the color of the wood, the size, the drawers, and even the price. I quickly emailed the seller and asked if $125 would be acceptable. Jake and I talked about it and agreed that we would accept $150 if he countered (which he did about 20 minutes later) and we made plans to drive out this morning to pick it up!

And now this beautiful thing is in the middle of my living room!!! This might be one of the first “real” pieces of furniture that we own. I’m so happy that my dad is visiting right now. He watched Noah while we picked up the coffee table (it took up the entire back of the car) and helped Jake carry it in because I had no upper body strength.

Noah is already enjoying the table — perfect height for standing.

While Jake was looking forward to building a coffee table for us, he is most excited that he has somewhere to set his beer when we are watching one of our shows in the evening.