Changing table pad

The changing table that came as an attachment to our pack & play is awesome. I probably change Noah there more than upstairs since we are in the living room or kitchen most of the time. The problem is that it’s plastic in order to make it easy to clean. But plastic is also cold on Noah’s little tush so we’ve just been putting a receiving blanket or old kitchen towel on it to make it more comfortable for him.

Enter guest towels from Crate & Barrel that I got on clearance a few years ago. They are sporting some AWFUL fringe and we’ve never had much use for them. I also grabbed some cute dino fabric from my stash, pins, and an iron.


First I gave the towels a little haircut and then ironed them to make sure that the fabric would line up well.


Next I pinned the towels to the fabric (right sides together) and clipped around the edges of the fabric to neated it up.


I did all of this while Noah was hanging out on the play mat. I think he approves of this project!


Then I sewed around all the edges, leaving a few inches open so that I could turn the project right side out. In order to keep the fabric stable on top of the towel I also sewed three straight lines across the project. I just followed the lines on the dino fabric to keep things straight and just eyeballed it.


All done!! So we’ve got looks on the front and absorbency on the back!


I think Noah likes it!!


So I’ll got two pads out of the dino fabric and then we also have two more of the fringe towels in green. I haven’t decided what “pretty” fabric is going to go on those yet!