(21) July 4th

Hope you guys had a good July 4th party!

I am getting ready for Mom to visit tomorrow, she’s staying until next
Tuesday 🙂

Once we finish putting together the crib I’ll take a bunch of pictures
and email them to you too! I’m starting to have a little trouble going
up and down the stairs if I’m carrying something so the main floor
hasn’t been vacuumed in a while. Part of it is that I’m exhausted and
the other part is that I’m clumsy…really clumsy (like there are 6
separate bruises on my legs and a huge cut on my foot because I can’t
walk properly). If you were home people would probably think that you
are doing something to me! I haven’t fallen or anything like that but
I tend to trip on (or bump into) everything.

Today I made those spanish roasted potatoes that we made for Easter. I
used about half as much garlic and salt and they taste super yummy! My
dinner tonight is 3 parts: 2 veggie hot dogs, bowl of minestrone soup,
and a bowl of potato salad! (And maybe a bowl of ice cream….we’ll
see how I feel)

Love you so much!!!


p.s. No kicking today either.